Friday, April 16, 2010

How to setup Apex in Oracle 10g Xe

I've been given a task to setup the Oracle apex to the Oracle 10g xe. So below are the steps to be followed.
(1). Installed Orcale 10g xe db. download it.
Let ORACLE_HOME be d:/oraclexe
(2). Download Apex. Extract it into d:/oraclexe , you could see the apex folder created.
i.e d:/oraclexe/apex
(3). Now,Install the apex as
cd d:/oraclexe/apex
d:/oraclexe/apex\> / sys as sysdba
sql>@apexins sysaux sysaux temp /i/
The above means:
@apexins tablespace_apex tablespace_files tablespace_temp images
Where: tablespace_apex is the name of the tablespace for the Oracle Application Express application user.
tablespace_files is the name of the tablespace for the Oracle Application Express files user.
tablespace_temp is the name of the temporary tablespace.
images is the virtual directory for Oracle Application Express images. To support future Oracle Application Express upgrades, define the virtual image directory as /i/.
(4). Set the images PATH for APEX (APEX_HOME is the folder where you have unzipped APEX; e.g d:\oraclexe)

cd d:/oraclexe/apex

d:/oraclexe/apex\> / sys as sysdba
sql> @apxldimg.sql APEX_HOME

(5).Set the Administrator password for APEX:

cd d:/oraclexe/apex
d:/oraclexe/apex\> / sys as sysdba

sql>@apxxepwd.sql password

(6). Restart your XE instance.
(7). Your new APEX is available at http://localhost:port/apex or for administration purposes at http://localhost:port/apex/apex_admin
Now you are done!!!

For more reference :

Monday, April 5, 2010

Connecting SQL SERVER 2005 from SQL Developer 1.5.1

The Following Steps would explain the Setup

Step1: Download the "" from

Step2: Open the Sql Developer
Tools -> Preferences -> DataBase ->Third Party JDBC Drivers
and add the "jtds-1.2.5.jar" which you have unzip from the step1. and OK.

Step3 : Right Click and select the "New Connection" at the "Connection" Node.
You could see sqlserver and sybase tabs have come. Click sqlserver tab. and fill the required
info. and click test. You may get the following error.
"I/O Error: SSO Failed: Native SSPI library not loaded. Check the java.library.path system property."
To overcome:
Copy the file 'jtds-1.2.2-dist\x86\SSO\ntlmauth.dll' from the unzipped JTDS and paste it at
Then restart SQL Developer.
Now you are done.
References :